consonant vowel consonant (cvc) words

Here are some websites that we have visited on our Smart Board to practice reading and spelling consonant vowel consonant (cvc) words.

50 Quarters From the 50 States

It took us awhile, but we finally found all 50 of the state quarters. A special thanks to those of you that sent in several for us to go through and to Sophia and Katie who both brought in the Maine quarter on the same day after we had been looking for it for over a week. I told the children that when I was a kid quarters only had eagles on the back, so one day a student came in and said, "I couldn't find any of our missing states quarters, but I did find the really old eagle ones from when you were a kid." Really old?!☺ We are going to enjoy looking at the pictures on the back of all the quarters while we decide what to do with our $12.50. Let us know if you have any good ideas.

The Last of Seuss

We had the best time celebrating Dr. Seuss! We watched the movie Horton Hatches the Egg right up to the point when the egg starts to crack and then we stopped the move to create what might have hatched out of an egg in a silly Seuss book. Click on the pictures of our Horton Hatches the Egg bulletin board to see if your child can find their egg. Thanks for all your support during our crazy Seuss activities!

Morning Horton Eggs
Afternoon Horton Eggs

Casey's 7th Birthday

A day off school, a trip to the aquarium, 7th place at the district Pinewood Derby, a new bike, a gumball machine from Mawmaw, 2 cards with money in them and dinner at Quaker Steak and Lube...who could ask for more on their 7th birthday weekend?
A 7 year old of course!

Kindergarten Quilt

My mom made this quilt for the Madeira Schools Foundation Auction that is this coming Saturday night. It is signed by all the students in kindergarten this year. If you are going to the auction, you will want to keep an eye on this silent auction item. If you are not attending the auction, you can have someone bid for you. I won last year's quilt and Casey sleeps with it every night:)

Crazy Socks Day

We had a great day wearing our crazy socks. We read The Foot Book and Fox in Socks, traced our foot, measured each others feet and wore our socks all day...even to computer and musical practice.

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My Many Colored Days

Today we wore our favorite color to school and read the book My Many Colored Days. After we read the book we made scratch art pictures. Instead of filling up the white space, today we filled up the black space:)
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Favorite Dr. Seuss Book Day

Today we brought our favorite Dr. Seuss book to school. We read our books, shared them with our friends and looked for star words and rhyming words in them. We were surprised when we discovered that some of us brought the same book! After we shared our books we talked about where we like to read. Some of us read in the familiar places like in bed, on the couch, or with mom...but there are some of us that like to read in the closet, in a tent, in a hideout or under the bed. Wherever you like to read...
"The more that you read, the more things you will know.
The more that you learn, the more places you'll go."
I Can Read With My Eyes Shut (1978)
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Morning Kindergarten
Afternoon Kindergarten

Dr. Seuss Hat Day

For Hat Day we wore hats all day, read The Cat in the Hat and made a Cat in the Hat.
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Try to find your Cat in the Hat.
Morning Kindergarten
Afternoon Kindergarten

Maggie's Nana

Maggie's nana is an elementary school librarian in Vermont. She was here visiting Maggie and came to visit our classroom. She brought with her a couple of books about Vermont and Five Little Monkeys Bake a Birthday Cake that was written by Eileen Christelow who lives in Vermont. Everyone loved her visit, but one little boy said that she was so nice and fun that he would like to marry her:)

Thank you Maggie for sharing your nana with us!!

Thanks Nana for sharing your love of books with us!!