facts to and from 5

We practiced adding and subtracting within 5 a lot this past spring.
provides 7 activities to practice adding to 5 and 
7 activities to practice subtraction from 5. 
Here are some really bad pics of a few of the 
activities that I took with my iPhone. We were soooo 
busy in the spring that taking pictures didn't happen a lot.  
To do these activities you need the following math manipulatives...
wooden cubes, frog erasers, and tiles.
You can find the pony bead bracelets HERE
Mrs. Bell

Butterfly Camp 2015

We had a great week at Butterfly Camp!
Click to play this Smilebox slideshow

This camp is a week in a garden that was created
 in memory of a very special little girl named 
Tess who loved butterflies and nature. 
The activities that we did at camp can be found on my 
Butterfly Camp Pinterest Board
Mrs. Bell