I got this adorable box from The MAILBOX.
It was filled with some fun freebies that included...
this ball.
I wrote everyone's name on the ball and put a smiley face on each child's thumb.
We passed the ball around and they had to read the name on the ball that was closest to their smiley face thumb. Then they had to pass the ball to that classmate. We had a lot of fun and learned how to read our friends' names at the same time.
We passed the ball around and they had to read the name on the ball that was closest to their smiley face thumb. Then they had to pass the ball to that classmate. We had a lot of fun and learned how to read our friends' names at the same time.
The MAILBOX has been a great resource for teaching ideas for years.
Check out their site and enter to win a free Gold membership. To enter leave me a comment about your new school year. {A book that you have read, how many students you have or an activity that you have done.} Please include your email address in your comment. I will pick 10 people that leave comments to win a free Gold membership to The MAILBOX tomorrow, August 31st at midnight.