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Who would you put in the zoo?

We read Put Me in the Zoo and wrote animal clues. Love their phonetic spelling, love their art work, LOVE my amazing writers and illustrators!

What am I


  1. Love your blog! Amazed by the writing! What do you do with your kinders who are still learning how to "physically" write and form letters? How do you keep them from getting frustrated (especially boys)? Do you build handwriting instruction into your writing workshop?

  2. My writing workshop builds over the year and I create a very stress free/safe environment.
    I have 3 sons, so I have learned to be patient with boys and find things that spark their interests.
    I spend the month of January practicing correct letter formation during writing workshop.
    Up until that point I give support during writing conferences with letter formation that is difficult to read.
    Hope this answers some of your questions.
    Feel free to email me if you want more info about my writing workshop.
