We just finished our flat and solid shapes unit. We used lots of activities and games from It's All About the Shapes to practice our shape identification skills during guided math groups.
Our Guided Math Group
Rotations Included...
1. iPad Time
2. Game Time
3. Teacher Time
4. Exploration Time
Spin and Cover was a great rotation activity,
especially since it can be differentiated with 2 different spinners.
We filled in our own shape charts
during a math workshop mini lesson.
Playing shape headbands is always a big hit.
For one of my math groups we used this spinner to spin and identify solid shapes which provided lots of repeated practice.
We used these sorting mats to sort flat and solid shapes.
During a guided math group students created these solid shape posters. They used their posters during a math workshop mini lesson to introduce solid shape attributes to their classmates.
Check out It's All About the Shapes for these and
other shape activities for your guided math groups.
Check out my Shapes Pinterest Board
for more flat and solid shape ideas...

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