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Friday Freebies - Guess My Character and Character & Author Cards

Today's freebie is a game that my students love to play on Fun Friday. I use the headbands from the game Hedbanz to play Guess My CharacterOne student places a character card in their headband. The student wearing the headband can ask 5 questions about their character. “Am I an animal? Am I a boy? Am I a cat? Do I like to sing? Do I wear colorful shoes? Am I Pete the Cat? You can also play this game by having students give the student wearing the headband clues. “You are an animal. You are a boy. You are a cat. You like to sing. You like to wear colorful shoes.” This is a fun way to make connections to characters and learn about character traits. 
Get this freebie HERE.
If you like this game, there is a shape version in my It's All About the Shapes unit.
Help your students learn more about character traits 
by using my Kindergarten Characters unit. 

Happy Friday!
Mrs. Bell


  1. Thanks for sharing.

  2. Hi! I was on Pinterest, and I was directed to your sight for an activity that you did a long time ago. The post was called "Where do Readers Read?" You had the kids draw a picture of themselves reading in the favorite spots. I could not find where to download the document. If you still have it, could you possibly e-mail it to me? That would be great. Thanks!

    1. Let me know if you have it, and I'll respond with my e-mail address.
