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Friday Favorites

the reason why it is important to teach the alphabet to your kindergarten students

 love the freebies on this blog and this one is perfect for the new math standards

I think I could even make these:)

love these collage monsters

 a perfect download for a book lover who loves to make lists

 these potato book characters just make me smile
blogged about this great website for modeling addition and subtraction

 as you know I love 5 and 6 art work, 
so I am so doing this after our trip to the fire station tomorrow

you will be my favorite today if you vote for my blog...

Mrs. Bell


  1. I voted for you!!!! I'm a kindergarten teacher myself and absolutely love your blog! I've used so many of your things in my classroom :)

  2. Loved your post - what a great collection! I am your newest follower!

    Jennifer @ Herding Kats In Kindergarten

  3. Thank you Jonelle!! You are such an amazing teacher...and friend!


    Literacy and Laughter

  4. Did you do the firetrucks?? I was finding hits from your site and now I know why! I am adding your awesome blog to my blog roll and would love to be on yours!
    Mrs.Miner’s Monkey Business

  5. p.s. I have definitely voted for your blog! Good luck!
    Mrs.Miner’s Monkey Business
